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ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer, death egg

What dies, who dies, which part of us dies?


or do 'we' really die at all? 

ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer, Study on death, Banaras, kashi
Dimensions of Death
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ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer
ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer
ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer
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Graphic Guide Glow Sign on Main Board Ou
Children explore melodic passages by ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer
ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer, air tabla
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ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer, musical chairs

Children's learning workshops, at

National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai

ranjit makkuni salt march painting eternal gandhi
Children's Workshop, Music and Goddess
ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer

The Unity Pillar installation focuses exploration into collaborative interfaces.


It requires people to hold hands to light up a pillar symbolizing the destruction of caste prejudices and social in justice. Here the computer has totally disappeared and people themselves have become the interface, touching each other, touching loving, human hands, not objects, dissolving the skins of their otherwise separate bodies into a single, unified collaborative body.

collaborative interfaces by ranjit makkuni

Eternal Gandhi

National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, 2006


Eternal Gandhi @ National Gallery.
plant computer ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer

Against the rapid rise of infrastructure building activity and urbanization in Asia, which has resulted in a exponential degradation of people’s health and environment, the Planet Health museum project commits to the urgent documentation of traditional Green Worldviews, Ayurveda and Yoga, indigenous systems of medicine and therapies, so that traditional knowledge, which has been ubiquitously available and passed down across many generations, remains forever free.

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Say No!
Toxic computing!!

plant computer, ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer
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ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer, planet health museueu
Yogi Ranjit Makkuni
toxic indian city, pollution, Ranjit Makkuni
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World's first walk-up

Health Dictionary!

Planet Health Museum
Healing the Hyperconnected Man
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Goddesses of Music

Healing the

Hyper connected Man 

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Prayer to Heal Modern Hyperconnected Man.
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Winner A Award,
Design Italy

Ranjit Makkuni, dont let computers tell you you arent good enough
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So here's the big take-away:

Can we  Design

a more  Compassionate Web? 

The Betrayal of the IT Revolution 


For those of us who have missed the IT revolution, consider yourselves lucky,

we may not have missed a thing!




When the original vision of the Dynabook (later to become the laptop) was conceived by Alan Kay's team at Xerox PARC in the 1980s, computational tools were envisioned as a medium for creativity and leisure. Indeed the first slides of the Dynabook showed people freeing themselves from the shackles of their offices, lying in sprawling natural landscapes, pursuing their artistic creativity. 


Nearly 50 years later, that vision had become a nightmare, with deep impacts on the society: at levels of connection, health, psychological well being, and, deep questions to privacy and fundamental freedoms and 'Truth' loom and await answers.


Ranjit Makkuni

Talk at WSIS conference, Geneva, 2018

Betrayal of the IT Revolution
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Conversations on

Design & Asian Music

relaxed musician ranjit makkuni
Conversations on Asian Music and Design
Eulogy to a MENTOR
Ranjit Makkuni plays Uma's Bells.
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Rand Castile Eulogy


With a musical performance
Uma's bells

Eulogy to Asian arts' Guru
Crossing Project
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The Crossing project, a multimedia exhibition shown across the world, was and still is a pioneering effort to unite the finest and the noblest in Indian tradition with the then, nascent multimedia and mobile computing technology.


The focus of the project was to create a unique idiom of Indian modernity where none of the streams of knowledge, technology or tradition were at variance, but integrated in a harmonious semblance. It is in this consciously innovated fusion that Banaras gets represented in a unique way, and the project becomes an important cultural preservation tool and a learning tool for audiences.

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Crossing exhibition by Ranjit Makkuni, Asia Design
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Asia Society Museum,

New York, 2002


OK Center for the Arts,

Linz, Austria, 2002


National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai 

Habitat Center, New Delhi

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

India, 2001/2

National Gallery, Bangkok, 2005

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ID magazine

Design award, New York,



Ars electronica, Austria,


Intellectual Traditions of Banaras
ranjit Makkuni The intellectual Traditions of Banaras

Intellectual Traditions of Banaras

Throughout the centuries literature and cities have shared a special symbiotic relationship. Modern metropolitan cities carry the complexity and tension of modern life. The creativity they inspire bears a special genre of literature of discontent and tension conflict and existential angst. In comparison Kashi, Banaras, the  ancient city of enlightenment, revels in a generative environment of traditional learning. As early as the 7th century B C, the sacred city became the focal point of increased intellectual and spiritual activity. And since then, has flourished as one of the greatest centers of traditional learning and of established theological and philosophical discourse.


From Makkuni. R., and Khanna, M., "Banaras: The Crossing Project," Sacred Word Foundation, 2002.



Eternal Gandhi @ Gandhi Smriti, New Delhi
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ranjit makkuni salt march painting eternal gandhi
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The Eternal Gandhi Multimedia Museum, one of the world’s first digital multimedia museums is located at Gandhi Smriti, New Delhi the site where Mahatma attained martyrdom, it not only preserves the historical events of Gandhiji’s life, but presents a spectrum of information technology visions inspired by Gandhian thought.  


Spiritually, the project was situated against the backdrop of globalization, polarization of communities, a growing urban-rural divide, rapid urbanization, and the degradation of hand-based skills and village-based art forms.

ranjit makkuni gandhi voice interface
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ID Magazine Design Award,

New York


village computing and design ranjit makkuni
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Gandhian messages


Product Design!


Museum @ Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, i.e., at the site of Gandhiji's martyrdom.

Learning Workshops @ NGMA, Mumbai
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Children explore melodic passages by pla
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Learning Workshops @ NGMA,Mumbai, 2014

Musical Landscapes, National Museum opening
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The Musical Landscapes and the Goddesses of Music exhibition, at the National Museum, New Delhi, in 2013,  presented advances in interactive art through an exploration of the science, art and spirituality of music, and their reflections in the goddess images across Asian cultures.

The project represents one of the world’s first explorations showing the relationship between the sacred feminine and music.

Musical Landscapes &
the Goddesses of Music 

ranjit makkuni, interaction designer, multimedia designer, exhibition designer
Musical chairs Ranjit Makkuni
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National Gallery of Modern Art



In an era of rapid technology provoked changes, and an age of information anxiety, this exhibition  shows healing alternatives of re-‘centering’ available in the practice of traditional music.


Newly designed musical instruments in the exhibition allow people to ‘tune in’ and recharge to brace for an environment of relentless technological change.

jit makkuni shakes pheroza godrej hands musical landscapes and the goddesses of music
Children que to see the Lalita Sahsranam
jit makkuni musical landscapes and the goddesses of music
jit makkuni musical landscapes and the goddesses of music
jit makkuni musical landscapes and the goddesses of music
National Gallery, Music and Goddess Opening
Electronic Thangka
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Asian Art Museum,

San Francisco, 1989.


World's First Multimedia Learning system of any kind 

At PARC, during 1985-7, my work explored visual, kinesthetic gestures as a means to interact with computers, and these gestural interfaces served as a way to humanize the then popular button pushing paradigm of interactions with computers. As early as 1985, I built a system in which one could wave a gesture on the screen and the computer would ‘understand’ what the gesture meant and translate it into parameters for the design of, say, a Tibetan deity.
Remember that these were designed in a period when the screen was text based. Gradually, my work added video representations on the screen and the Electronic Sketch Book of Thangka painting project developed one of the world’s first ‘multimedia leaning system of any kind. 

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Intellectual Traditions of Banaras

Throughout the centuries literature and cities have shared a special symbiotic relationship. Modern metropolitan cities carry the complexity and tension of modern life. The creativity they inspire bears a special genre of literature of discontent and tension conflict and existential angst. In comparison Kashi, Banaras, the  ancient city of enlightenment, revels in a generative environment of traditional learning. As early as the 7th century B C, the sacred city became the focal point of increased intellectual and spiritual activity. And since then, has flourished as one of the greatest centers of traditional learning and of established theological and philosophical discourse.


From Makkuni. R., and Khanna, M., "Banaras: The Crossing Project," Sacred Word Foundation, 2002.


Intellectual Traditions of Banaras
Sitar Music
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Classical Sitar Music

In parallel to his work in technology and design,  Ranjit Makkuni is a Sitar virtuoso, and was emerging as as a rising star in the Indian classical music scene in the early 2000s before his design works on new museums consumed him entirely.


Having studied under the maestro Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, Ranjit carries jewels of composition from bygone eras. His early years spent on guitar allow him a unique modern musical style yet grounded in deep classicism.


 His geometric compositions, Intricate fret work, cross rhythms produce  deep exhilarating energies, and the audience is transported  beyond the realms of “here and now” to   higher states of consciousness. He has been  interested in the connection between sound structures and visualisation structures found in Tantra Yoga.


In addition to his visual works which focus on both abstraction and ornamentation, Ranjit has been searching for correspondences between scales and visual abstractions, especially looking at how  how higher energies can communicate with human beings through economy and abstraction in music.

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ID Magazine Gold, New York


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Ars Electronica Austria


Nominated for National Design Award, USA, 2012

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Designer of the year, 2012



ID Magazine Gold, New York


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A Award

2014, 2012

Mahamaya Jazz Rock Band
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The Mahamaya Experience is a project from sitar player and composer Ranjit “Mahamaya” Makkuni.  In a modern world that encourages instant gratification and constant stimulus, Mahamaya’s compositions offer ‘pause’ for transcendence.  By fusing ancient musical traditions with a psychedelic mindset inspired by 1960’s musical styles, these compositions encourage the listener to unplug from the never ending stimulus of digital life and focus on finding their harmony in and with the universe.


JP WIlson.

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  • Bandcamp
  • Soundcloud
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
World as Woman
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Shiva Ardanarishvara Crossing Project, Ranjit Makkuni


People’s principal experience with living, work and creativity in modern, urban centric society is through interacting with metallic, plastic and glass surfaces, the outer forms of modern workstations and mobile devices, and software that enslave people with more and more automation and mechanized interactions.



If the forms associated with people’s work practice were derived from and based on forms which signify fullness and wholeness, the feminine forms of womb as fertile resource of creativity, this could lead to a resurgence of feminine values. If the forms were derived from natural organic materials, then interactions with new designs can create healing and transformative experiences!

World as Woman

Making the case for a  theory of Feminine Design

Feminine Forms

Design for Destress
Lalita Sahasranama, 1000 eulogies to the Goddess by Ranjit Makkuni

Design for De-stress

Lying hidden in the practice of the world’s traditional art forms are the time-tested secrets of well-being.


Over the past decade, people have been prone to deep physiological and psychological stresses induced by a 24/7, ‘always on’ culture of clutter and distraction, remaining addicted to ‘updates’ with no breaks for calm and solitude. As such, change has become the constant today, whereas traditional music practices, especially those from Asia, have, in contrast, illustrated examples of melodic and rhythmic technologies that have remained stable for thousands of years. They were handed down as collective inheritances that allow everyone to experience peace, calm and well-being.

Hug Interface Ranjit Makkuni, Music and Goddess exhibition
huggable interface ranjit makkuni

Huggable Lotus installation anticipates stress levels of people and accordingly plays back calming melodies.




Well Being

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Detoxify Computing

hardware now!


SMART Govinda
Imagine a future where we could go back to pastoral life of villages, and one in which we can take the 'work' out of farming. In which case,  we can focus on what matters the most: LOVE.

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Smart Sanitation
Public Health?
Help our Holy cities detoxify?

Smart Govinda
South East Asia Contributions
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ranjit makkuni bali workshop

 South East ASIA


Secrets of Shiva, Bangkok
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Secrets of Shiva
@ National Gallery, Bangkok

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Vrindavan Community Kiosk
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Design of new learning media  shaped by the imagination of children from the holy city of Vrindavan

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What can we learn from the personalisation of Asian automobile technology?

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Mr. Loos,
Ornament is Delight, not a Crime!
Ornament strengthens our emotional immune system!
It  guarantees our emotional security!

Ornamentation in Asia, Gaadi!

Laxmi and the Art of Happiness 

The project attempts to bring together orthogonal dimensions of visualizing a rich human experience and economics: reconciling the spiritual, psychological and scientific dimensions of economics. The project presents interpretation and speculation on people’s aspiration for wealth and self-esteem, their vulnerability and liberation by means of a multimedia exhibition.

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World in deep slumber!

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River Pollution. 

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Pollution in the Air. 



Inspire  in people a lifestyle of "cleanliness and ‘low’ emissions”, planting the values of ecological sustainability and public health.

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Pollution in the high Seas. 

Pollution Museum


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has information society lost touch with its hands  ranjit makkuni
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40 years of

Contributions in

Bridging Technology & Culture

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Get in Touch

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Thanks for submitting!

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Write to Us
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Information devices' DESIGN,
Cultural Computing

Legacy of Tech Firsts

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The body of work – from Banaras, Gandhi, Health to Goddesses – present a creative vision of Asian traditional cultures where cultural forms symbiotically meet and embrace futuristic technologies in a celebration of originality. The works speak to a new generation of innovations at the ‘edge’, lying ahead of the curve, originating from non-western nations, and a new generation of interactive art which brings the dimensions of touch, essential to the practice of traditional arts, hand based creativity, well-being and livelihoods, into the design of modern technology.

Tech Firsts' Legacy
Village lnclusion
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LET'S PAYBACK our Villages!

Ego in Balance
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You are not your mind,

you are not your past history,

you are not your possessions,

you are not your thoughts.


You are only the pure awareness experiencing the 




In this moment, you are.


Originated in Asia, Appropriated by the West, Working to get Asia to reclaim it back!

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Centeredness   for the 'HIGH  EGO' 


Up until now, we have been looking at how, through the strength of our ego, the designer's ego, we make and have made changes and contributions to the world.


But, the designers' and change makers' contributions comes at a huge mental cost, at the level of their mental health, self esteem, the constant need for reaffirmation, --just think of the the downward spirals that could occur when clients abandon them. All of this success comes at the cost of spoiling relationships at home, and more. 


With the widening awareness of our blessings, comes an awareness of compassion for all. But before offering compassion for all, designers need to be compassionate to themselves!


So the question is, how do we ensure that the 'deep self' in high ego professions gets replenished and nourished and not depleted? We need to learn how to balance the craving for non stop  innovation with the corresponding investment in 'self' replenishment, compassion for the self and for all. 

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The project presents both traditional and new instruments based on
the Indian sitar, Burmese saung harp, Thai xylophone, Korean kayagum, Chinese guzheng and pipa, Vietnamese dan tranh, Javanese and Balinese gamelan, chanting, and others. New instruments with embedded computation demonstrate interactions through gesture, touch, pull, movement, gaze and kinesthetic action. Through responsive computing, people by their position, gesture, and movements in physical space control musical events in the exhibition environment.

Winner A Award, Design Italy

Musical Landscapes @

National Museum, New Delhi

thai angel by ranjit makkuni
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Musicla Lanscapes @ National Museum, Galleries
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ranjit makkui devi saraswati

Goddesses of Music

Healing the Hyper connected Man 



A Award,

Design Italy

Healing the Hyperconnected Man

Lessons learned:


Thought, Technology &

Product Design 

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Gandhi Smriti, New Delhi, 2005


The Eternal Gandhi Multimedia Museum is one of the world’s first digital multimedia museums. Physically located at the site where Mahatma Gandhi attained martyrdom, it not only preserves the historical events of Gandhiji’s life but presents a spectrum of information technology visions inspired by Gandhian thought.


The project presents a language of physical interface actions derived from classical symbols of the spinning wheel, turning of the prayer wheels, touching symbolic pillars, the act of hands touching sacred objects, collaboratively constructed quilts, sacred chanting in the collective group, the satsanga, and the touching and rotating of prayer beads.


These tradition based interactions inspire a rich panorama of tactile interfaces that allow people to access the multimedia imagery and multidimensional mind of Gandhiji. The technology developed does not ‘merely scan’ Gandhian images. It extrapolates Gandhian ideals to newer domains of information technology and product design and, at higher levels, the creation of meaning in a globalized world. For example, the Gandhian commitment to hand-based production and its symbiotic relationship with nature is interpreted in the context of modern culture-conscious design.

Gandhi-an Design

Freedom from Digital Entrapment

Ranjit Makkuni


WSIS forum presentation, March 25 2022.


Ranjit Makkuni, multimedia artist, designer, researcher, song writer and musician will take the panel through some of his multimedia works which show bridges between technology and the humanities, and will look at ways in which we, as designers, can reduce the ‘entrapment’ facing participants of the digital society!


His works campaign for the design of a humanized technology, at the levels of user interfaces and device design, web architecture and media design, with the goal of creating health & wellbeing for technology users. 


With the impacts that globalization economics have had on the environment in developing economies, at the larger level, the goal is to allow mankind to become rooted in the commitment to ecological awareness, in order to leave future generations with an abundant Mother Earth, especially as the world today lies at the cusp of irreversible environmental degradation. 




Maze of Lanes Banaras, 2000.

Scroll Down

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Secrets of Shiva

@ National Gallery, Bangkok


Bringing the world's first Multimedia documentation systems  to India, circa 1990s.



Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts, 1997



The Gita-Govinda is a 12th century erotic-spiritual love poem expressed in the traditional ‘multi’-media of painting, music and dance, which have been developed in Indian culture for over eight centuries. The form of the exhibit (as a collection of multimedia kiosks) mirrors the interrelations among multiple dimensions and media of the Gita-Govinda. In order to understand the ‘whole’ of the poem, people travel from one kiosk to another exploring interconnections between the media of text, visual image, song and dance performance.


This project brought the footprints of multimedia computing to India (1993-7).

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Secrets of Shiva

@ National Gallery, Bangkok

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"... And with the impending trajectory of total automation of humanity arriving on the horizon, the third example is my song, Village songs, that speaks of how ecological awareness must power our tech dreams."

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Secrets of Shiva

@ National Gallery, Bangkok


Mahamaya as Lens


Mahamaya, the eternal trickster, is not just the mirage of existence, but the very lens through which we view our world. Like a pair of prescription glasses, she is an indispensable part of our existence, and to reflect upon her is to gaze not just at the spectacle of life, but also at the very instrument that brings the play into focus.

Reflections on Mahamaya


is an intricate exploration of the Goddess Mahamaya, weaving together themes of illusion, love, and the human experience. The exhibition invites viewers to engage with Mahamaya not only as a deity but as a transformative force that challenges perceptions of reality and self.


The narrative opens with Conversations between Goddess Mahamaya and a Musician, establishing a dialogue that underscores the interplay between art and spirituality. This conversation sets the stage for the Mahamaya Experience Exhibition, highlighting how artistic expressions can bridge cultural divides and awaken a deeper connection to nature in an increasingly digital world.


Central to the text is the concept of Mahamaya as Illusion, where the Goddess embodies both nurturing and deceptive qualities. The exploration of outer conquests and domination reveals how societal identities often mask deeper truths, while sections like Liberation Through Illusion and The Dilemma of the Monk delve into the struggle for inner peace amidst external chaos.


Mahamaya's teachings extend into various realms, including love, ego, attachment, and urbanity. The exhibition also addresses contemporary issues such as privacy in a digital age, environmental degradation, and the psychological impacts of modern life.


As the narrative unfolds, readers encounter reflections on Dopamine, exploring its role in shaping desires and behaviors, alongside discussions on mindfulness and education that critique the separation of knowledge from ethics. The exhibition culminates in profound insights about community, connection, and the importance of embracing slowness in a fast-paced world orchestrated by Mahamaya.

ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer
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Children's Workshop, Music and Goddess
tree of life by Ranjit Makkuni
ranjit makkuni stripes
mobile device design ranjit makkuni
tree of life by Ranjit Makkuni
ranjit makkuni stripes
Ranjit Makkuni, museum design, leading asia designer
devi sarasvati, ranjit makkuni
mobile device design ranjit makkuni
tree of life by Ranjit Makkuni
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leading Asian designer Ranjit Makkuni
ranjit makkuni indian design gandhi
  • Facebook

 © 1985-present, Ranjit Makkuni, Sacred World Research/Design Lab

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