Eternal Gandhi
National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, 2006

Eternal Gandhi
National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, 2006
Eternal Gandhi

ID Magazine Design Award,
New York
Eternal Gandhi

ID Magazine Design Award,
New York



Creative Spirituality, Technology, Culture & Design



The World of

In the Ayurvedic and Yogic indigenous medical traditions, the body is visualized as a system of ‘interconnected intelligences’.
This model of health and well being does not isolate mind, body and spirit into three separate compartments, but views them as one holistic unit which weaves the physical, the psychological, the subconscious, and the super conscious states of being into one whole.
Planet Health Museum
​The World's first walk in, interactive museum resenting open access of information on natural therapies:
Yoga, Ayurveda and Green Consciousness.
Explore 'Calm' in a Hyper-Connected Society :)

Isn't it time to
Reclaim what has always been our right to natural, blissful, healthy REALITY.

Vision statement

Plant Man!


Diagnosis through the tongue!

Diagnosis through the pulse!

Diagnosis through the
"These models of green consciousness, Ayurveda, and Yoga teach us methods to ‘endure what is not curable, and to cure what one need not endure."
In 2010, we embarked on explorations in culture and health through the Planet Health Museum. Against the rapid rise of infrastructure building activity and urbanization in Asia, which hashas resulted in a exponential degradation of people’s health and environment, the Planet Health museum project commits to the urgent documentation of traditional Green World views, ayurveda and yoga, indigenous systems of medicine and therapies, so that traditional knowledge, which has been ubiquitously available and passed down across many generations, remains forever free.

Calm in a
Hyper-Connected Society
The project designed various installations, this time, the hardware was made from herbs and nature-based materials. Just touching some of the objects/designs is in itself an act of healing. While Planet Health was presented as a museum, its larger contribution at a higher level could come from disseminating the learning from the project to create calm for people through mobile devices. The resulting documentation of health viewed as ‘culture’ and new information devices and environments that monitor health provide valuable intuition for creating calm, centredness and well being in a hyper connected, ‘always ON, 24/7’ information society. In doing so, mobile devices that otherwise distract people’s attention can become devices of healing.e the know-how you need.

1 Solve toxic lifestyle!

2. Solve toxic cities!

Toxic Hardware--
Detoxifying our office hardware and work practices!
The hardware designed for the project shows how natural materials, and eco sensitive imagery can remind modern hyper connected Man about eco sensitivity. The work also shows potential interactions between people and natural materials in work settings.
Alternative hardware designed with natural materials serve as the primary interface during the computing interaction experience, and hence such nature based textures and surfaces can serve as a form of personal techno detoxification. At a larger scale, nature based materials used in computing hardware will enhance recyclability of products at the end of their life cycle, and reduce environmental toxicity.
"How can we design workspaces and work tech, such that working will offer healing, and NOT become the source of stress and illness? The devices that we design are crucial to create healing.
Ranjit Makkuni

3. Solve toxic Hardware!

Plant based hardware.

Aroma offerings.
Aranya sculpture.